Oak Life Turns 3!

This week we celebrated our third "Sprout-Day" as a church.  It's been incredible to witness the ways in which God has formed us into who we are.  Oak Life has become a church that has embraced those often marginalized, invited deep community, sought peace and justice, and tried to follow Jesus faithfully in our city.  While there are still many areas of growth ahead, the stories being written in and through Oak Life are so encouraging to reflect on.  During our Sunday gathering we looked back at many of these stories and also prayed for what God might do in the future. 

Below you'll find a thank you from some of the wonderful organizations we've donated our third Sunday offerings too as well the prayers collected during our celebration service for our future.

Hopes, Dreams, & Prayers for Oak Life

-I pray for Oak Life to continue to be brave
-That OL would be a place where the first shall be last, and the last, first
-For Radical Honesty
-I pray that Oak Life would continue to care about what is going on in the world today- not just in our lives
-My hopes for Oak Life is to be unwavering in love, grace, and fighting against oppression to all- welcoming to ALL
-That we continue to be a community with open minds and hearts
-That we can be a church that embodies ressuresction
-For continual growth, acceptance, & LOVE :)
-For the church to continue joining God where He's already working- in and out of the parkway and our own community
-Deepening intentional community
-I would like to pray for Oak Life church to have our own building and always be a place where the lost are loved
-Children and Youth
-I hope and pray that oaklife continues to prosper
-I pray that Oak Life would continue to be filled with a heart of grace and mercy for each other and compassion and justice for the world.
-For Christ to continue to be our center
-to continue- keep on keeping on
-For us to help youth in our area
-Keeping the heart of Oak life while the community grows
-I pray that Oak Life would continue to be a haven for those traditionally not accepted by the church and we would continue pursuing love & justice in our community
-Become more intergenerational
-a body of healing, transformation, and enlightenment
-That Oak Life would be a place where God's love is manifested powerful through physical healing so that Oakland would come to know Christ
-Hope: sustain existing community partnerships and grow.  Fear: succumb to "trendiness over commitment to truth"
-To use our growing numbers to even greater effect in our community
-That we engage in mental health in our community
-May Oak Life continue to be a safe haven, where all are welcome to come as they are and receive Good News
-Always think of and serve others
-That we can learn to follow Jesus, day by day, step by step
-I pray that Oak Life spins off 2-3 more churches over the next 3-5 years
-I pray that Oak life continues to be a: intimate space, safe space, open space- for everyone
-I pray that Oak Life grows in action and relationally with each other, the community and with Jesus.  May we be a church that shows unconditional love and continued generosity and extended grace
-That Oak Life will challenge themselves to be critical and restorative, graceful yet accountable, firm but loving
-Children's ministry
-I pray we can have our own space to meet and keep walking humbly by uplifting the downtrodden and oppressed
-OL would be an expression of God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven
-That God supernaturally meets all your financial needs so you can extend your branches out into the community without any limits
-That Christ be what makes us whole
-That I can find where I belong in Oak Life
-That Oak Life continues to grow and prosper and minister as a community
-Courage to examine ourselves and truly advocate for the most marginalized among us
-That Oak Life would continue to disrupt the center and embrace the margins
-For more LGBT+ people to find breath, life, and healing through Oak Life
-Continued deep commitment to service, reflection, community, and love (from a visitor)
-For the gospel to be at the core of all we do